py4web comes with a Grid object providing simple grid and CRUD capabilities.
Key Features
Click column heads for sorting - click again for DESC
Pagination control
Built in Search (can use search_queries OR search_form)
Action Buttons - with or without text
Full CRUD with Delete Confirmation
Pre and Post Action (add your own buttons to each row)
Grid dates in local format
Default formatting by type plus user overrides
Basic Example
In this simple example we will make a grid over the company table.
from functools import reduce
from py4web.utils.grid import Grid
from py4web import action
from .common import db, session, auth
@action('companies', method=['POST', 'GET'])
@action('companies/<path:path>', method=['POST', 'GET'])
@action.uses(session, db, auth, 'grid.html')
def companies(path=None):
grid = Grid(path,
query=reduce(lambda a, b: (a & b), [ > 0]),
search_queries=[['Search by Name', lambda val:]])
return dict(grid=grid)
[[extend 'layout.html']]
class Grid:
def __init__(
path: the route of this request
query: pydal query to be processed
search_form: py4web FORM to be included as the search form. If search_form is passed in then the developer is responsible for applying the filter to the query passed in. This differs from search_queries.
search_queries: list of query lists to use to build the search form. Ignored if search_form is used. Format is
fields: list of fields to display on the list page, if blank, glean tablename from first query and use all fields of that table
show_id: show the record id field on list page - default = False
orderby: pydal orderby field or list of fields
left: if joining other tables, specify the pydal left expression here
headings: list of headings to be used for list page - if not provided use the field label
details: URL to redirect to for displaying records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button
create: URL to redirect to for creating records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button
editable: URL to redirect to for editing records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button
deletable: URL to redirect to for deleting records - set to True to automatically generate the URL - set to False to not display the button
pre_action_buttons: list of action_button instances to include before the standard action buttons
post_action_buttons: list of action_button instances to include after the standard action buttons
auto_process: Boolean - whether or not the grid should be processed immediately. If False, developer must call grid.process() once all params are setup
rows_per_page: number of rows to display per page. Default 15
include_action_button_text: boolean telling the grid whether or not you want text on action buttons within your grid
search_button_text: text to appear on the submit button on your search form
formstyle: py4web Form formstyle used to style your form when automatically building CRUD forms
grid_class_style: GridClassStyle object used to override defaults for styling your rendered grid. Allows you to specify classes or styles to apply at certain points in the grid.
Searching / Filtering
There are two ways to build a search form.
Provide a search_queries list
Build your own custom search form
If you provide a search_queries list to grid, it will:
build a search form. If more than one search query in the list, it will also generate a dropdown to select which search field to search agains
gather filter values and filter the grid
However, if this doesn’t give you enough flexibility you can provide your own search form and handle all the filtering (building the queries) by yourself.
The grid provides CRUD (create, read, update and delete) capabilities utilizing py4web Form.
You can turn off CRUD features by setting create/details/editable/deletable during grid instantiation.
Additionally, you can provide a separate URL to the create/details/editable/deletable parameters to bypass the auto-generated CRUD pages and handle the detail pages yourself.
Use the following to render your grid or CRUD forms in your templates.
Display the grid or a CRUD Form
To allow for customizing CRUD form layout (like with web2py) you can use the following
[[form = grid.render() ]]
[[form.custom["begin"] ]]
When handling custom form layouts you need to know if you are displaying the grid or a form. Use the following to decide
[[if 'action' in request.url_args and request.url_args['action'] in ['details', 'edit']:]]
# Display the custom form
[[form = grid.render() ]]
[[form.custom["begin"] ]]
[[grid.render() ]]
Customizing Style
You can provide your own formstyle or grid classes and style to grid.
formstyle is the same as a Form formstyle, used to style the CRUD forms.
grid_class_style is a class that provides the classes and/or styles used for certain portions of the grid.
The default GridClassStyle - based on no.css, primarily uses styles to modify the layout of the grid
class GridClassStyle:
Default grid style
Internal element names match default class name, other classes can be added
Style use should be minimized since it cannot be overridden by CSS
classes = {
"grid-wrapper": "grid-wrapper",
"grid-header": "grid-header",
"grid-new-button": "grid-new-button info",
"grid-search": "grid-search",
"grid-table-wrapper": "grid-table-wrapper",
"grid-table": "grid-table",
"grid-sorter-icon-up": "grid-sort-icon-up fas fa-sort-up",
"grid-sorter-icon-down": "grid-sort-icon-down fas fa-sort-down",
"grid-th-action-button": "grid-col-action-button",
"grid-td-action-button": "grid-col-action-button",
"grid-tr": "",
"grid-th": "",
"grid-td": "",
"grid-details-button": "grid-details-button info",
"grid-edit-button": "grid-edit-button info",
"grid-delete-button": "grid-delete-button info",
"grid-footer": "grid-footer",
"grid-info": "grid-info",
"grid-pagination": "grid-pagination",
"grid-pagination-button": "grid-pagination-button info",
"grid-pagination-button-current": "grid-pagination-button-current default",
"grid-cell-type-string": "grid-cell-type-string",
"grid-cell-type-text": "grid-cell-type-text",
"grid-cell-type-boolean": "grid-cell-type-boolean",
"grid-cell-type-float": "grid-cell-type-float",
"grid-cell-type-int": "grid-cell-type-int",
"grid-cell-type-date": "grid-cell-type-date",
"grid-cell-type-time": "grid-cell-type-time",
"grid-cell-type-datetime": "grid-cell-type-datetime",
"grid-cell-type-upload": "grid-cell-type-upload",
"grid-cell-type-list": "grid-cell-type-list",
# specific for custom form
"search_form": "search-form",
"search_form_table": "search-form-table",
"search_form_tr": "search-form-tr",
"search_form_td": "search-form-td",
styles = {
"grid-wrapper": "",
"grid-header": "display: table; width: 100%",
"grid-new-button": "display: table-cell;",
"grid-search": "display: table-cell; float:right",
"grid-table-wrapper": "overflow-x: auto; width:100%",
"grid-table": "",
"grid-sorter-icon-up": "",
"grid-sorter-icon-down": "",
"grid-th-action-button": "",
"grid-td-action-button": "",
"grid-tr": "",
"grid-th": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle",
"grid-td": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle",
"grid-details-button": "margin-bottom: 0",
"grid-edit-button": "margin-bottom: 0",
"grid-delete-button": "margin-bottom: 0",
"grid-footer": "display: table; width:100%",
"grid-info": "display: table-cell;",
"grid-pagination": "display: table-cell; text-align:right",
"grid-pagination-button": "min-width: 20px",
"grid-pagination-button-current": "min-width: 20px; pointer-events:none; opacity: 0.7",
"grid-cell-type-string": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 200px",
"grid-cell-type-text": "vertical-align: middle; text-align: left; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 200px",
"grid-cell-type-boolean": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center",
"grid-cell-type-float": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: right",
"grid-cell-type-int": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: right",
"grid-cell-type-date": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: right",
"grid-cell-type-time": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: right",
"grid-cell-type-datetime": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: right",
"grid-cell-type-upload": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center",
"grid-cell-type-list": "white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; text-align: left",
# specific for custom form
"search_form": "",
"search_form_table": "",
"search_form_tr": "",
"search_form_td": "",
def get(cls, element):
"""returns a dict with _class and _style for the element name"""
return {
"_class": cls.classes.get(element),
"_style": cls.styles.get(element),
GridClassStyleBulma - bulma implementation
class GridClassStyleBulma(GridClassStyle):
classes = {
"grid-wrapper": "grid-wrapper field",
"grid-header": "grid-header pb-2",
"grid-new-button": "grid-new-button button",
"grid-search": "grid-search is-pulled-right pb-2",
"grid-table-wrapper": "grid-table-wrapper table_wrapper",
"grid-table": "grid-table table is-bordered is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth",
"grid-sorter-icon-up": "grid-sort-icon-up fas fa-sort-up is-pulled-right",
"grid-sorter-icon-down": "grid-sort-icon-down fas fa-sort-down is-pulled-right",
"grid-th-action-button": "grid-col-action-button is-narrow",
"grid-td-action-button": "grid-col-action-button is-narrow",
"grid-tr": "",
"grid-th": "",
"grid-td": "",
"grid-details-button": "grid-details-button button is-small",
"grid-edit-button": "grid-edit-button button is-small",
"grid-delete-button": "grid-delete-button button is-small",
"grid-footer": "grid-footer",
"grid-info": "grid-info is-pulled-left",
"grid-pagination": "grid-pagination is-pulled-right",
"grid-pagination-button": "grid-pagination-button button is-small",
"grid-pagination-button-current": "grid-pagination-button-current button is-primary is-small",
"grid-cell-type-string": "grid-cell-type-string",
"grid-cell-type-text": "grid-cell-type-text",
"grid-cell-type-boolean": "grid-cell-type-boolean has-text-centered",
"grid-cell-type-float": "grid-cell-type-float",
"grid-cell-type-int": "grid-cell-type-int",
"grid-cell-type-date": "grid-cell-type-date",
"grid-cell-type-time": "grid-cell-type-time",
"grid-cell-type-datetime": "grid-cell-type-datetime",
"grid-cell-type-upload": "grid-cell-type-upload",
"grid-cell-type-list": "grid-cell-type-list",
# specific for custom form
"search_form": "search-form is-pulled-right pb-2",
"search_form_table": "search-form-table",
"search_form_tr": "search-form-tr",
"search_form_td": "search-form-td pr-1",
styles = {
"grid-wrapper": "",
"grid-header": "",
"grid-new-button": "",
"grid-search": "",
"grid-table-wrapper": "",
"grid-table": "",
"grid-sorter-icon-up": "",
"grid-sorter-icon-down": "",
"grid-th-action-button": "",
"grid-td-action-button": "",
"grid-tr": "",
"grid-th": "text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase;",
"grid-td": "",
"grid-details-button": "",
"grid-edit-button": "",
"grid-delete-button": "",
"grid-footer": "padding-top: .5em;",
"grid-info": "",
"grid-pagination": "",
"grid-pagination-button": "margin-left: .25em;",
"grid-pagination-button-current": "margin-left: .25em;",
"grid-cell-type-string": "",
"grid-cell-type-text": "",
"grid-cell-type-boolean": "",
"grid-cell-type-float": "",
"grid-cell-type-int": "",
"grid-cell-type-date": "",
"grid-cell-type-time": "",
"grid-cell-type-datetime": "",
"grid-cell-type-upload": "",
"grid-cell-type-list": "",
# specific for custom form
"search_form": "",
"search_form_table": "",
"search_form_tr": "",
"search_form_td": "",
You can build your own class_style to be used with the css framework of your choice.
Custom Action Buttons
As with web2py, you can add additional buttons to each row in your grid. You do this by providing pre_action_buttons or post_action_buttons to the Grid init method.
pre_action_buttons - list of action_button instances to include before the standard action buttons
post_action_buttons - list of action_button instances to include after the standard action buttons
You can build your own Action Button class to pass to pre/post action buttons based on the template below (this is not provided with py4web)
Sample Action Button Class
def __init__(self,
url: the page to navigate to when the button is clicked
text: text to display on the button
icon: the font-awesome icon to display before the text
additional_classes: a space-separated list of classes to include on the button element
message: confirmation message to display if ‘confirmation’ class is added to additional classes
append_id: if True, add id_field_name=id_value to the url querystring for the button
Reference Fields
When displaying fields in a PyDAL table, you sometimes want to display a more descriptive field than a foreign key value. There are a couple of ways to handle that with the py4web grid.
filter_out on PyDAL field definition - here is an example of a foreign key field
Field('company', 'reference company',
requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_IN_DB(db, '',
filter_out=lambda x: if x else ''),
This will display the company name in the grid instead of the company ID
The downfall of using this method is that sorting and filtering are based on the company field in the employee table and not the name of the company
left join and specify fields from joined table - specified on the left parameter of Grid instantiation ==
You can specify a standard PyDAL left join, including a list of joins to consider.
Now the company name field can be included in your fields list can be clicked on and sorted.
Now you can also specify a query such as:
queries.append((db.employee.last_name.contains(search_text)) | (db.employee.first_name.contains(search_text)) |
This method allows you to sort and filter, but doesn’t allow you to combine fields to be displayed together as the filter_out method would
You need to determine which method is best for your use case understanding the different grids in the same application may need to behave differently.